Extend your stay in Canada
If you are a visitor in Canada, you can submit an application to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to extend your stay as a visitor from within Canada. If your application is approved, you may be issued a visitor record. A visitor record is a paper document and it will state the date by which you must leave Canada and any other conditions which are imposed for the duration of your permitted stay.
Study permit and work permit holders can also apply to change their status to visitor from inside Canada. They too may be issued a Visitor Record.
Extend stay as student
In the event that you are unable to complete your studies before your current study permit expires, you will have to extend your study permit in order to continue studying.
Extend stay as worker/Change status to worker
If you are working in Canada on a valid work permit and want to extend/change conditions on your current work permit, you will have to apply for new work permit. If you are a student or a visitor in Canada, you may be able to apply for a work permit and change your status to worker from within Canada if meet certain eligibility criteria.
Note: If you let your status (visitor, worker, or student) expire, you will have to submit a restoration application along with your extension/change of status application.
Status Restoration
It is very important that you maintain a valid status while you are in Canada as a temporary resident (visitor, student, or worker). If you are in Canada and your status has expired, you must restore your status or else leave the country. It is illegal to stay in Canada without a valid status.
You may be able to restore your status as a visitor, student, or worker, if you submit a restoration application along with an application to extend your previously held temporary resident status within 90 days of losing your status.
Restoration plus extension of temporary resident status application is time sensitive. Significant details about the facts and circumstances need to explained in the application to justify why you have let your status to expire.